Sunday, February 23, 2014

Crazy Cheese

Cook in double boiler, stir frequently until cheese is melted and creamy. Remove from heat and whip until smooth and no lumps. While still hot ,pour into sterilized jars and refrigerate. Keeps up to 3 months sealed.

One month after opening. Keep refrigerated.
---Recipe 2 Cheese Whiz2 lb. sharp cheese, grated, real cheese only1/2 teas. dry mustard12 oz. can evaporated milk1/2 teas. salt1/4 teas. pepper1/4 cup butter or margarine
Scald milk, add remaining ingredients and stir over low heat for 5 minutes, until cheese is melted . Pour into jars while hot and after it seals store in refrigerator, up to 3 months.

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